If you live in a state where there is a constant threat of hail damage, there’s an excellent probability that you can lose a lot of money to get your car fixed. And if you don’t act on it right away, you’ll end up wasting even more.
When you avoid taking action to correct the problem, it’ll not only be a source of annoyance but will lead to making costly mistakes. Dealing with auto hail damage is easier if you perform the following points.
1. Don’t Disregard and Take Immediate Step
As researchers learned in a recent study, maintenance or repairs are necessary for roughly 77% of cars.
If your car got damaged by hail, it’s not something you should disregard as a minor issue. Regardless of how little the damage is, you need to prioritize repairing dents from hail damage.
The auto hail damage may seem to be minimal or even barely visible at first glance. However, your car’s worth will diminish by up to thousands of dollars in value if you leave it with this damages.
2. Schedule for a Repair as Soon as Possible
Aside from disregarding the car repair entirely, most people also fall into the mistake of having the repairs done later. Their premise is that their cars might still receive more auto hail damage, so it’s best to wait it out until the hail season ends. However, this practice will only cost car owners more in the long run.
While it may sound practical and logical, filing for a single insurance claim for multiple occurrences of hail damage is a big no-no. In addition, this type of activity can lead to insurance fraud charges which can incur even more expenses.
Furthermore, waiting it out until hail season is over can lead to more significant damages to your car. Your vehicle gets more brittle as it tries to endure the barrage of damages from a hailstorm, one after the other. You’ll more likely end up with a totaled car if you postpone repairs.
3. Don’t Rely Entirely on your Insurance Company
Weather, such as hailstorms, is often one of the four main causes of car body damage. That’s why insurance companies are inundated with claims during these times.
While it’s necessary to file an insurance claim, you don’t have to completely rely on your insurance company to tell you every step in repairing your car.
Your insurance provider may have a list of preferred repair shops where you can bring your car to have auto hail damage repairs. However, not all of these repair shops work for your benefit.
It’s always best to look for a reputable auto repair shop yourself. You can browse online and check reviews for a repair shop that would benefit you.
4. File an Insurance Claim
Most people are not comfortable filing an insurance claim for auto hail damage because it can raise their insurance rate. So avoid making the same mistake.
Hailstorm damage to vehicles is covered under Comprehensive coverage rather than Collision coverage. Because this is a ‘no-fault’ claim, your rate will not rise as a result.
People who live in places where hailstorms are common may already be paying higher insurance premiums. If you’re one of them, you’ve already paid the price. You should make the most of it, especially if you’re in desperate need.
5. Don’t Settle for Cheap Services
Don’t immediately choose the auto hail damage repair shop with the lowest price right away, you should think twice. When you settle for a low price, you’re more likely to get a low-cost service in return.
Nowadays, the most recommended process is paintless dent repair, which eliminates the need for painting, grinding, Bondo fillers, primers, and resins. When possible, choose this option for an excellent restoration of your car that will not fade or peel away in a matter of years.
Choose a Reputable Shop to Repair Your Vehicle
Understanding the reality of auto hail damage will assist you in taking the first step toward restoring your vehicle to its former glory. Avoid these blunders by going to one of the shops that provide paintless dent repair Chicago and most other states offer. Your immediate action will benefit you and your vehicle in the long run.