Did you know that US News has five Honda vehicles in its top 20 ranking for the best hybrid cars? Given the high ratings Honda consistently receives on its overall lineups, it’s no surprise that they’re a popular choice for hybrid drivers. Hybrid vehicles are estimated to be between 20% and 35% more efficient than a traditional gas powered car.
However, with hybrids often come uncertainly, especially concerning the batteries for hybrid cars. Because hybrids are a newer option, it’s often more difficult to troubleshoot common questions with car-knowledgeable friends and family. For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of several answers to common Honda Civic hybrid battery questions.
1. How Long Will My Battery Last?
A typical hybrid battery can last ten years or more, and manufacturer warranties are usually given for eight years, or 100,000 miles. The oldest hybrid models are now about 10 years old, and their performance has indicated that 10 years is a fairly good estimate for battery longevity.
2. How Much Does a Honda Civic Hybrid Battery Cost?
The downside to replacing batteries is that, once the time comes, they are a considerable expense. Replacing through the manufacturer can cost up to $4,000. A different option that will help keep prices down is remanufactured hybrid batteries installed by third parties. This can keep the price between $1,000 and $2,000 for both battery and installation.
3. What Exactly is a Remanufactured Hybrid Battery Replacement?
A remanufactured battery is basically a battery that has been recycled and renewed. Honda batteries built before 2010 are made up up individual “D” batteries that are connected in a series. The car battery can be repaired if the battery cells are taken out and replaced. To make sure you receive a battery that will actually work, choose an auto company that uses high grade components and does multi-point testing in order to ensure performance. Ideally, find a remanufactured hybrid batteries that come with a warranty as well.
Have you replaced the battery in your hybrid Honda Civic yet, or have additional questions about hybrid batteries? Let us know in the comments. Helpful sites.