There’s no doubt about it that car accidents happen far too frequently, as many as six million of them in just one year in the United States alone. There are many causes for car accidents and some of them are not preventable. But many of them are.
When you look at car crashes that result from at least one party driving while intoxicated, you see an unnecessary tragedy. DUIs are prevalent all across the United States, but drunk drivers are not caught at the rate that they should be. In fact, it is estimated that the average person who drives while intoxicated will drive this way at least, on average, eighty times before finally being pulled over and apprehended. And data has also been gathered that shows that there are more than three hundred thousand drunk drivers on the roads in just one day in America – but only around four thousand or even less will actually be stopped and arrested. This leaves far too much opportunity for tragedy, tragedy that happens all too often as a result of driving while intoxicated.
In fact, it is estimated that for every day that passes in this country, nearly thirty people will die directly because of a drunk driver. On top of this, a person is injured every two minutes because of drunk driving as well – and these injuries are often serious and life changing. Drunk driving is a crime that should be punished severely and taken seriously – we all know this. But we also need to focus on how we can prevent drunk driving before it happens, because this is how lives will be saved.
Fortunately, technology has progressed to the point that we can begin to make this happen. For those people who might have ignition interlock device questions, this is the article for you. An ignition interlock device, which often includes a car breathalyzer, is becoming more popular as a tool to stop the devastation of drunk driving, and ignition interlock device questions are common among those who are partaking in such programs, as ignition interlock devices are not yet widespread.
Having ignition interlock device questions is normal, and you should seek out a professional to have an in depth discussion with about your ignition interlock device questions. This article will also attempt to answer some of your ignition interlock device questions, though it is simply not long enough to be all inclusive.
However, when it comes to ignition interlock device questions, it is important to start with the basics. What does an ignition interlock device do and how can it prevent drunk driving in the United States? The presence of a car breathalyzer device allows a car to refuse to turn on if a blood alcohol level is above a certain limit. For those who have been convicted of driving under the influence, this means virtually any alcohol level at all and not the legal limit of .08. The typical ignition interlock device will kick in if a blood alcohol level of more than .02 or .03 is detected, making it impossible for the car to turn on until a normal breathalyzer reading is obtained by the driver. And it’s even more extensive than that, with the typical interlock installation requiring repeated breathalyzer tests – typically occurring every fifteen minutes – while you continue to drive, ensuring that no alcohol is consumed at any point while you are on the road, from the start of your trip until the end of it.
And for those with ignition interlock device questions regarding the efficacy of this device, the results have proven to be, so far, very positive. It’s estimated that when such a device is installed, the overall rates and frequency of drunk driving will drop by as much as seventy percent. And even after the device is removed (typically once a probationary period has been completed and the driver has regained some trustworthiness), these rates of drunk driving stay low, with repeat offenses dropping by nearly forty percent.
Drunk driving is all too common, but steps can be taken to prevent it.