Planning for the future has never been more important and confusing.
As the nation navigates its way through the pandemic and to the polls for the Presidential election, planning for the future in fact, can seem overwhelming.
Doctors and scientists battle with some parts of the public about health and safety; politicians and lobbyists argue with big oil and conservationists about energy sources. In the midst of all these rather heated discussions on all sides, of course, are the lives we are already leading. The doctors appointments we must keep if we want to remain healthy and be less vulnerable to Covid 19; the vehicles that we must maintain if we are going to be able to get to and from work; the decisions we must make about selling or buying a home if we want to take advantage of the most recent surge in the housing market. The combination of the uncertainty of the election and virus and so many moving parts in the economy make for difficult decisions during these confusing times.
The one thing that is not changing in these times is the literal moving parts that keep our lives running. And for this reason, metalworking and cutting fluids industry is booming. Even as manufacturing plant closed during the first weeks and months of the pandemic many companies took this time to clean and maintain the large machines that are at the heart of the production lines. From specialty lubricants like castrol products wholesale to mil spec oil compatibility products, as the nation is dealing with the uncertainty of the moment, many people who are still operating on business as usual.
Castrol Products Wholesale Offer Many Businesses an Affordable Way to Keep Its Parts Moving
A report from 2016, which seems like a long time ago, projected that the metalworking fluids (MWF) market would reach $9.74 billion by the year 2020. As many manufacturing plants have had some shutdowns, and in some cases closures, in the last eight months, however, it is difficult to decide if these numbers are still viable. Even as many kinds of manufacturing plants have re configured themselves to produce different kinds of products, it is important to know that these very necessary lubricants are still in high demand.
Consider some of these facts and fugues about the lubricants industry and the impact that it has on the economy of the nation, as well as the individual lives we all live:
- Cost reductions from recycling metal working fluids can be significant, providing a potential 8% volume reduction against a non-recycling system. This is an important fact during a time when environmentalists continue to push for more sustainable manufacturing decisions.
- Castrol products wholesale purchases and other kinds of semisynthetic lubricants that are bought contain less than 30% oil content in concentrate while pure synthetics contain no oil whatsoever.
- More than $4 billion of metalworking fluids is anticipated to be consumed for lubricating transportation equipment across the globe, according to a 2017 Future Market Insights report.
- Nearly 2.5 million metric tonnes of metalworking fluids were sold across the globe in 2016, according to Future Market Insights’ report, in 2016.
- Cooling, lubrication, chip removal, and corrosion control are the four main functions of metalworking fluids.
- Although there are a number of factors that determine a purchase, 89% of lubrication professionals consider an oil’s viscosity index when selecting a lubricant, according to a recent survey.
- Manufacturing companies estimate that 70% of their unplanned equipment shutdowns in the last three years were caused by incorrect lubricant selection or management, according to a recent study.
- Only 42% of manufacturing companies have all the correct procedures in place to manage lubricants effectively, and 63% believe they do not conduct staff training on lubricants as regularly as they should, according to a recent international study.
- The latest research indicates that there are approximately 400 million entrepreneurs worldwide, and the majority of these leaders rely on the manufacturing of products, which require assembly production line work which uses various lubricants.
- Metalworking lubricants, coolants, and fluids like castrol products wholesale play a vital role in machining. For example, a substantial flow of fluids is used in the metal removal process, typically between four and 20 liters a minute.