If you’re in the market for pre-owned vans, you’re not alone. Cars depreciate an average of 30% in value after the first year of ownership, and many of us are all too happy to take advantage of that reduction in value. Affordable used cars are one of the greatest cornerstones of the American economy, accounting for 9.8 total vehicles sold in 2015. If you buy a used car that’s a few years old, you could make out like a bandit and get more features for cheap. But you could also end up buying a lemon that’ll cost you double what a new car might have over time. Here are a few tips to live by when shopping for pre-owned vans that will weed out any problem vehicles and leave only the affordable used vans for you to choose from:
1. Know how big the van needs to be.
This is a great place to start because it’ll help you create a price cap in your head and get you thinking about usage. Knowing exactly what you’ll be using the van for also ensures that you don’t waste money inefficiently buying gas for a van that’s too big.
2.Take your time.
Once you have a sense of what you’re looking for, please, don’t just frantically start googling “pre-owned vans” or “reliable used vans” and go to the first dealer you find. Shop around. Try specialty dealers, Craigslist, Ebay, and ask for recommendations. Get a sense for what the market price is so that you’ll be better prepared to negotiate.
3. Ask about previous ownership.
This may seem obvious, but there’s a unique red flag regarding pre-owned vans that you should know about. Namely, you’ll want to ask whether or not the van you’re considering was owned by an individual or a company. Generally, company vans are not taken care of as well and have been used more harshly. Also, obviously ask for the Carfax, as we hope you would when shopping for any pre-owned cars.
4. Don’t neglect the test drive.
Many used dealers or individual owners will be resistant towards providing this opportunity, but you really must insist. If you can, test drive in a cold, open place without a lot of traffic. The cold will ensure that any engine problems being masked by cold weather make themselves heard. Try to do an emergency stop on a n open stretch of road and see how the van fares – watch out for a long stop time or swerving. Also, try to get a feel for the size and handle of the van, particularly its turning radius, which can be very important on a crowded road.