Keys have represented authority, security, and power for centuries. Early puzzle padlocks were Oriental in origin and had three to seven rings of characters or letters which released the hasp when properly aligned. In the days if Indian Emperor on Annam, valuables were sealed into large wooden blocks and placed on small islands or submerged into surrounding pools of the inner courts of the palace. They were then protected by royal ‘guardian angels’ that were crocodiles kept on starvation rations so they were always hungry. Wooden locks and keys were used in Egypt as far back as 4,000 years ago. Research suggests that locks were developed, independently, in the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations.
With lock and key technology coming a long way from boxes guarded by ravenous crocodiles, it might be a good idea to learn about a locksmith san mateo in the event you need something fixed, installed, or opened. It is often the case that, in the busy and hectic rush we live in today, you can forget your keys are in the car and accidentally lock it. It is not as much of a problem as it is an inconvenience. These situations are where knowing a quality and affordable car locksmith san mateo can work to your advantage. In the event you do not know of one, they can be found through local listings or even by searching for car locksmith San Mateo.